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Working with an advisor should never be a rushed process. Take your time to think it over, ask any questions on your mind, and once everything makes sense we can move forward.

Why should I make a financial plan and what should it include? 

Financial plans allow you to prepare for things like your child's education, your retirement, or big/unexpected life changes. It should start with your goals and objectives, and from there we will build an investment portfolio, retirement and tax planning, as well as discuss any insurance needs.

How often should I update my financial plan?

You should meet with an advisor to review your plan at least annually, or before any major life transition.

Why should I hire an advisor?

At Pyn Wealth, portfolios are customized to each investor's goals and objectives. We take pride in educating our clients because the more clarity between you and the assets you own, the better. Transparency, accountability, and confidence in your portfolio all go hand-in-hand.

What fees should I expect working with a Financial Advisor?

Our fees are based on AUM (assets under management)*. Fees are billed quarterly and are automatically deducted from the cash in your investment account(s). Keep in mind, not all financial professionals operate on a fee-based structure. Some may charge commissions instead, which can potentially create a conflict of interest when executing trades in a client's account, as each transaction generates a monetary gain for the broker.

*This does not include cash management (assets held in Money Market funds or cash.

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